
krobinsonKimberly Jumps

Friends and family who follow my Instagram account always ask two questions: “When do you ever work?” and “How do you jump so high?” Jumping pictures take practice. And I’ve learned, so does travel. I do in fact have a job, a great job, but one that requires me to be at the desk 9am-7pm Monday thru Friday.

So how do I have time to see the world?

I practice the art of travel. I have mastered the perfect weekend getaway, maximized my two week vacation policy to travel the globe, and discovered local treasures within 10 miles of my house that traverse distant lands.

When I look through the lens of a road trip loving, adventure-seeking travel junkie, I see Los Angeles as a dropped pin on a map with a 500 mile radius of adventure, perfect for a 48-hour getaway. I close my eyes to reopen and see that dropped pin now radiating to the rest of the world.

It’s taken me zip-lining across rainforests in Costa Rica, driving through the Outback of Uluru, cave tubing with millions of glow worms in New Zealand, hiking across the Andes in Peru, and swimming with sharks in Belize. North. South. East. West. Land and Sea. Limitless Discovery.

Join me as I travel and “jump” around the world!

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